
“a peaceful space inc provides consulting and project support to organizations pursuing environmental equity programs that impact people, communities and the environment.

Services include:

    • consulting
    • program management support
    • project management


These sample methodologies provide generic guidelines for planning and program implementation.

Indoor Air Quality

construction practices, occupant behaviors and surveys, materials, cleaning practices and continuous monitoring

Download IAQ Methodology

Natural Lighting

daylighting and reflective design strategies, glare management, occupant controls, etc.

Download Natural Methodology

General Comfort

interior environment design, thermal comfort, noise resolution, etc.

Download Comfort Methodology


Resources and Tools

Calculating Health and Climate Impact of Building Energy Savings

The developers of COBE state that ” . . . a building’s geographic location plays an important role in its health and climate impacts, since its  carbon intensity and energy consumption contribute to both.. Overall, in the year 2050, depending on the region and air pollution model used, climate and health co-benefits add $0.02-$0.81 of additional savings for each dollar of electricity savings, but there is substantial variation by region.”  The data will vary depending on differing utility grids.


Environmental Equity

Distressed communities and underserved populations suffer most from the impact of climate change. Energy usage and consumption in buildings, transportation and water are major contributors to this inequity. The impact of these factors on the health of our communities can now be measured, and, when combined with effective decision-making, can be the catalyst for reversing environmental inequities.

“CoBE Projection can aid stakeholders and decision-makers in (1) assessing current individual building or building portfolio performance by quantifying emissions, health, and climate footprint; and (2) evaluating their sustainability plans by comparing the projected co-benefits under different energy conservation scenarios, to achieve highest health and climate co-benefits.”


Source: Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health


3935 East Rough Rider Rd
Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Open Hours

Monday – Friday: 9am – 2pm (Arizona Time)
Weekends: Closed
Holidays: Closed

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